Sunday, July 29, 2007
Online shopping : experiences & expectations
Shopping malls can drive your crazy during the holiday season with cramped parking spaces and over-crowded shops. Online shopping, on the other hand is easy, convenient & a big timesaver. Simply click and it’s done! If you’re the kind of person who values time the most and likes to make use of advanced technology, then cyberspace is the best option for you. Often people think that the variety, value and unique gifts offered online are not always available in stores. But as far as I am concerned, I would like to view the product, feel it and then purchase it which is not possible in the case of online shopping. Moreover, I would always like to buy products from reliable sources. Authenticity, reliability, security etc are some of the pertinent problems that online shopping portals have to deal with.

Once, an advertisement of a laptop in the newspaper caught my eye which was available online at a discounted price. The configuration of the product exactly matched what I was looking for. Initially I had apprehensions about purchasing it online. But as I am not the type to drop loads of cash on fancy gadgets, I thought this would be a decent & affordable deal and decided to go for it.
I entered the website only to find out that the featured item wasn't available online for 2-6 weeks and I was very disappointed. Also the price shown in the advertisement did not include the hidden charges and was just a cheap trick to attract people.
Well, I am a demanding consumer. If I wish to shop online, I would want it easier and faster than normal street shopping. Despite online shopping getting popular day by day and giving us the comfort of shopping from home, we have had bad experiences and they often fail to meet our expectations. Transparent, accountable, swift & interactive websites on the other hand can go a long way in establishing trust and bridging the gap between physical & virtual shopping experiences.

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posted by Crack Pot @ 11:56 PM  
  • At July 25, 2008 at 2:30 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    You know, the amazing thing is that it seems as though everyone around the world has the same experiences.

    WE all get hurt with shipping costs we all feel the brunt of paying for additionl things. When something says $5 and you end up paying $10, it's not $5 is it?

    Anyway South Africa seems to have come right now, we've managed to organise that local shipping costs for all Amazon products are now at local prices... it's great. Check out the Amazon online shopping South Africa site if you're South African.

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